Special Programs
Advanced Academics
Our gifted and talented students are provided with rigorous learning experiences. Students have the opportunity to participate in advanced courses.
Students produce advanced-level projects during core content and/or elective classrooms. Through advanced-level projects, students continue to develop their talents and are provided a broad range of experiences. Students research topics of study using a variety of protocols to access information. Using the research information, students create quality work in alignment with the Texas State Plan for Education of Gifted/Talent Students. Students present projects to their peers and community members.
Teachers work collaboratively with the advanced academics specialist to expand the required curriculum into high quality/high interest instructional plans.
English Language Learners
Our English Language Learners (ELLs) are provided language acquisition supports through a second language pull-out program model. This an English program serves students identified as English language learners by providing English language arts instruction while the student remains in a mainstream instructional arrangement in the remaining content areas.
Special Education
The Galveston ISD Middle School Life Skills and Structured Learning program uses grade level Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) through prerequisite skills. Our students receive an optimum education through a curriculum designed to tailor our student specific needs. Our students participate in a variety of activities such as our vocational lab and curriculum based instructions (CBI). Each classroom has technology including Interactive White boards, touch screen computers, and touch screen tablets. Our students have access to use supplemental aides for extra support in core subjects such as Reading Eggs, Education City, and Reading A-Z. Our program has a low adult to student ratio which allows for the classes to have whole group and small group instruction as well as individual work stations. Our district offers many support services using highly qualified personnel including Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy, Orientation and Mobility, Vision and Counseling. Our district offers professional development opportunities for teachers and paraprofessionals to provide a safe and effective learning environment for our students. We provide the least restrictive environment with opportunities for inclusion throughout the school day. Our mission as special education teachers is to foster independence and growth for each student to become successful members of our society.
For more information: Special Education- TEA