Fine Arts
Band is open to all students. Although free of an auditioned entry, students must begin band courses in the 5th grade or 6th grade. Band students attend classes daily throughout the year. Instruction, heavily integrated with technology, includes teacher modeling, music theory culminating with practical application, performance, and composition. While technique is our primary focus, students also learn to read and perform music in accordance with the TEKS. Proficiency of these skills provides an easy transition into high school band and choir classes.
Theatre at Austin Middle School is open to all students. Using the theatre TEKS as a guideline, the students integrate theatre, art & design, writing, social studies and science through daily warm-ups, games, activities and specialized units of study arranged to support concepts currently being learned in core classes. Student leadership also is integral to the theater program. All aspects of performances are student-led. Student participation in theater is not limited to performance on the stage. Student interests and individual strengths are valued by assigning students to back stage roles such as managers, lights, sound, and props.
Music and Choir
Choir is open to all students. Choir students attend classes every day throughout the year. Instruction, heavily integrated with technology, includes teacher modeling, music theory culminating with practical application, performance, and composition. While technique is our primary focus, students also learn to read and perform music in accordance with the TEKS. Proficiency of these skills provides an easy transition into high school band and choir classes.
The art curriculum, based on the TEKS, consists of four levels of art instruction correlating with years of previous student experience: Beginning, Art 1, Art 2, and High School Art 1. Core subjects are interwoven seamlessly into daily work and cross-curricular projects. Visual arts courses are open to all students grades five through eight with an opportunity for high school credit. Each course focuses on fundamentals including the elements of art while exploring various media and techniques.