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English Language Arts

Using the English Language Arts (ELA) TEKS as a foundation for literacy, the curriculum provides a study of various forms of literature using the Balanced Literacy framework and the Readers/Writers Workshop approach to promote autonomy and to meet the needs of individual students. Using the gradual release of instruction model, students are explicitly taught literacy skills during mini lessons using modeling and “think-alouds”. Students practice and apply literacy skills in classroom activities such as Literacy Circles, group projects, classroom discussions, and in written responses.  Using literary selections from multiple sources, students connect knowledge across the curriculum to build an understanding of cultural diversities and the complexities of our world. Through analysis and synthesis, students develop problem solving skills, fostering a life-long love of reading and writing.  Students create various forms of narrative writing, expository writing, persuasive writing, and analytical writing. Every six weeks, we celebrate our love of literature and reading with our school-wide Game On Read activity.

For more information on the state requirements:  Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills

Our English Team

Judy Brown

Judy Brown

Roles: Faculty & Staff
Departments: Austin ELAR, Austin Teachers, Central Teachers
Sarah Evans

Sarah Evans

Titles: ELAR
Roles: Faculty & Staff
Departments: Austin ELAR, Austin Teachers

Robin Sanders

Titles: Math Curriculum Specialist, K-6
Roles: Faculty & Staff
Departments: Teaching and Learning
Phone Numbers:
School: (409) 761-3940
Cheryl Smiley

Cheryl Smiley

Titles: Reading Interventionist
Roles: Faculty & Staff
Departments: Austin ELAR